Digital Business Cards
Done for you
Looking to do things digital?
Ever been to a networking event, handed out tons of cards (88% get thrown away right after or during the event...oops) & realized you don't have any with no ability to go and get more?
(Plus you'll look waaay cooler)
With an ever-present push into the digital age and first impressions still as important as ever, show your clients you are up with the times and available through any of their preferred contact methods
Here are a few benefits
Wont get thrown away
Mentioned it above but regardless of the percentage just think back to what you did with the last card given to you personally...You probably had great intentions but they get lost, spilled on or simply thrown away.
Ability to Update
You have the ability to send a quick email "Hey Mission Ops, I need my phone number changed" SEND.....With printed cards, once its there it's there, Misspelled words, $$ spent & all.
You'll look EPIC,
I mean...more professional
While everyone is tapping the sides of their jeans saying "Sorry just ran out" or the ever-popular "I forgot the cards at home/the office" you'll be tapping your info into as many phones as you please
Don't just take our word for it.
Add some more descriptive content here to describe your product or service in a more detailed way. This could also be an explanation of the details of your offer if you are running a promotion.
- Tara Dalton, Realtor @ Coldwell Banker Realty III
★★★★ I'm on the move a lot and never know how many cards to bring or if they will get bent on the way there making them not so professional anymore. The Phonesites Cards are amazing and always impress
- Matt Dalton, Promo Supply Guy @ Macco Promotions
I can actually carry this card! Its not made of paper and wont get ruined if water or cleaner spills on it. Pick it up, wipe it off and its good to go
- Makenzie Mohow, CEO @ Community Kleaners
Wait, Who is Mission M.F. ?!
Mission Money Freedom
Helping people of all ages get on track towards attaining their dreams using the 4 Pillars our Operators live by & Cadre teach during your "Mission M.F. Onboarding"
Time, Health, Family & Wealth
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